Resetting and cleaning your house usually consists of cleaning out the junk from under the beds, dusting out cobwebs and letting in the fresh air, and adding a new plant by the front door. We see checklists about how to clean your kitchen from top to bottom and Norwex advertisements as we scroll through our social media feeds.
Giving the house a good, deep clean is about starting the next season of life prepared, organized, and refreshed for you and your family. In your business, it should do the same for you and your team. But do you add your business’ roof to your cleaning checklist? Most businesses make the mistake of waiting to handle maintenance issues until there is a problem; but if you approach everything that way, you’d spend more time and money on fixing things instead of growing your team and business.
If you follow these five steps year after year, you’ll feel more knowledgeable about what’s over your head, organized in how you approach maintenance issues, and up to date with the tasks that protect your people, assets, and investment.
Start by asking: Do I know the history of my building? Do I know who, what, and when my building was built, added to and repaired? How well was it done? Does any of it come under a valid warranty? Did I have inspections done when in the process of buying my building?
While you may get some papercuts going through the paperwork, knowing your building will help you foresee the possible issues that may come from bad weather, accidents, and natural wear and tear. Instead of putting a Band-Aid on your roofing issues, you can pull this history up whenever the roof needs maintenance and can cut off a problem before it becomes a bigger issue.
You can completely mend the problem and know you’ve prepared yourself for the year (or years) to come! Now is a great time to look into those building records, and start a system for staying organized as you accumulate maintenance reports in the future.
Knowing the history of your building helps with this next step. Communicating effectively with your roof inspector helps guide them to look out for signs of trouble. An inspection combines the expertise of the roofing team and the knowledge you’ve compiled as the building owner.These combined efforts will help not only target what cleaning and maintenance are needed, but also highlight where the roof may need repairs (see more on step 4).
We, as experts in our field, can do a roof inspection for you. We have the people, materials, and knowledge to get the job done right and on time. Scheduling an inspection regularly will help you in the long run as we anticipate your needs and fulfill them so your business can run smoothly (see more in step 5).
Do you have your current roof warranty? Many warranties have service and maintenance requirements in order to maintain the warranty coverage. Knowing the expectations of your roof’s warranty helps protect you from missing any long-term issues that sneak in under your careful eye. Your warranty might even give you practical steps on year-round maintenance and cleaning (see more on step 4).
Just like a yearly dental cleaning, an annual roof inspection is a thorough, detailed, and necessary process to make sure your roof is doing its job! Having a team you can trust to complete your inspection ensures that there’s no plaque, cavities, or sensitive nerves to worry about! And if there is, we work with you to the best of our ability to make sure any pain points do not lead to a major repair or replacement.
This is where all the previous steps come into play. When you know the history of your building, have your roof regularly inspected, kept under warranty, and regularly get the roof cleaned, the simpler and easier the process becomes from one year to the next. We can even advise you and your maintenance team on how to keep up on your roof year-round.
Every business owner knows that there’s a time to invest money and a time to save it. Waiting to address your commercial property’s care and maintenance until something goes wrong can put stress on your bank account and your energy, meaning your resources are no longer spent on growing your business and supporting your team.
With regular trusted inspections, maintenance, and repairs, you’ll minimize worry and those unexpected financial setbacks. We partner with you every step of the way so that your roof is a simple check on your fresh start checklist.
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