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Short answer- maybe!

Not all roofs are created equally, so SPF systems are not always the right choice for your building. However, if your roof meets the slope and drainage requirements in addition to understanding the proper maintenance techniques, an SPF system is an economically feasible way to address your roofing concerns. Expeditiously!  

A SPF roofing system is a spray-applied, closed-cell foam insulation put on an existing roof to reinforce and prolong replacement.

 When discussing spray foam options, polyurethane is the most commonly used type. It was first developed by the military for use on airplanes in the 1940s and began being used for commercial purposes in the 1970s. Today, open-cell spray foam insulation is synonymous with new construction for ease of application and its soundproofing abilities; however, closed-cell foam insulation is utilized in the roofing industry to provide property owners with reliable roof-life extension options.

 Benefits include:

  • Increased energy efficiency 
  • Shorter project timelines
  • Options: can be used for a small portion of or across entire roof
  • Seamless application reduces potential water infiltration points
  • High density material withstands traffic

 It is important to note that SPF systems are susceptible to UV breakdown so they are not considered a stand alone fix for roofing needs. Instead, SPF systems are used in combination with a coating system to create a water repellant roof system that can postpone the need to replace your roof. Check back next month to learn more about coatings systems.

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An aerial view of a WM Commercial Roofing project.