'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the shop
Not a Joe was stirring, from the bottom to the top
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that Martha’s cookies soon would be there
The salesmen were nestled all snug in their trucks
While visions of new metal roofs danced amuck
And Will in his toboggan and Jake in his vest
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap
When out on the roof deck, there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter
Away to the window, I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and tried not to crash
The moon on the breast of the new installed TPO
Gave a luster of midday to objects below
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
But a load of ISO pulled by eight tiny reindeer
With Wayne the driver so lively and quick
I knew in a moment this must be no trick
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Ryan! Now, Preston! Now Cameron and Reuben!
On, Nathan! on, Marcos! On, Elias and Anthony!
To the top of the roof! To the top of the wall!
Now tear it off! Clean it up! Cover it all!"
If A New Roof Or Just A Commercial Roofing Company You Can Count On Is On Your Business Christmas List Give WM Commercial Roofing A Call At:
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