A roof layover is when a new commercial roofing system is installed over top of the existing roof system. A layover is a quicker, less costly option to protect your aging roof. A roof layover can provide a protective layer against the elements if your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, but is still in sturdy structural condition.
Because we are not removing old roofing materials or adding new structural support, a commercial roof layover is less labor intensive and takes less time to complete than a full replacement.
Per Ohio commercial roofing code, your roof may not have more than two roofing systems, so a layover can only be done once before a complete tear off is required.
If your commercial roof has major water damage and the structural support is no longer adequate, you may need a replacement.
Replacing your commercial roof will uncover and address any underlying issues in your current roof deck for a safer, stronger, and longer lasting roof.
Roof replacement will cost you more, but is usually a long-term investment in the integrity of your building.
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